Policy & Regulatory
Avalon has a long history of providing high level analysis and consulting on matters related to health policy and government relations. Our reports have been used in meetings of the Congressional Budget Office, the House Ways and Means Committee, and state and federal legislative briefings. The results of our analyses have helped shape state and federal policies and have been published in peer-reviewed health policy and health economics journals. Our comparative advantage in policy analysis and government relations is in our data analytic capabilities, which enable us to bring advanced data science, statistical analysis, and novel use of data to gain clearer understandings of complex policy issues.
Types Of Engagements
- Design & execution of studies to test and assess industry performance
- Industry economic impact analysis
- Costs & outcomes of regulatory policy
- Systematic & comprehensive summaries of literature & evidence
- Survey research to assess regulatory burden
- Impact of environmental externalities
- Assessing global health policy
- Program evaluation
- Communications materials
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Policies & Regulations
Key Staff
- John Schneider, PhD
- Andrew Briggs, DPhil, MSc
- Anthony LoSasso, PhD
- Robert Ohsfeldt, PhD
- Cara Scheibling, MBA
- Jacie Cooper, MS
Related Markets & Industries
- Insurance & Third-Party Payers
- Attorneys & Law Firms
- Medical Services
- Hospitals & Health Systems
- Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
- Medical Devices & Diagnostics
- Private Equity & Venture Capital
- Consumer Products
- Public Health
- Government
Related Publications
- Modelling the global economic costs of tobacco product waste. 2022
- Count the cost of disability caused by COVID-19. 2021
- Estimating (quality-adjusted) life-year losses associated with deaths: With application to COVID-19. 2021
- Online Simulation Model to Estimate the Total Costs of Tobacco Product Waste in Large U.S. Cities. 2020
- Enhancing Health Through Access to Nature: How Effective are Interventions in Woodlands in Deprived Urban Communities? A Quasi-experimental Study in Scotland, UK. 2019
- Assessing the impact of state “opt-out” policy on access to and costs of surgeries and other procedures requiring anesthesia services. 2017
- Outcomes of Surgeries Performed in Physician Offices Compared With Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Hospital Outpatient Departments in Florida. 2017
- Evaluation of Health in Pregnancy grants in Scotland: a natural experiment using routine data. 2017
- Cost impact of unexpected disposition after orthopedic ambulatory surgery associated with category of anesthesia provider. 2016
- Are financial incentives cost-effective to support smoking cessation during pregnancy? 2016
- The progressivity of health-care financing in Kenya. 2014
- Organizational boundaries of medical practice: the case of physician ownership of ancillary services. 2012
- Effects of health savings account-eligible plans on utilization and expenditures. 2011
- Tobacco litter costs and public policy: a framework and methodology for considering the use of fees to offset abatement costs. 2011
- International comparison of comparative effectiveness research in five jurisdictions: insights for the US. 2010
- Converting to critical access status: how does it affect rural hospitals’ financial performance? 2009
- The effect of physician and health plan market concentration on prices in commercial health insurance markets. 2008
- Factors associated with Iowa rural hospitals’ decision to convert to critical access hospital status. 2008
- The economics of specialty hospitals. 2008
- Effects of specialty hospitals on the financial performance of general hospitals, 1997-2004. 2007
- Effect of critical access hospital conversion on patient safety. 2007
- Clinical practice guidelines and organizational adaptation: a framework for analyzing economic effects. 2006
- The Business of Health. 2006
- Implementation of hospital computerized physician order entry systems in a rural state: feasibility and financial impact. 2005
- What would be the effect of referral to high-volume hospitals in a largely rural state? 2004
- Changes in the Effects of Mandatory Rate Regulation On Growth in Hospital Operating Costs, 1980–1996. 2003
Related Issue Briefs
- What Do Economists Have to Say About Liability (Issue Brief No. 55)
- Economic Evaluation and Market Access for Medical Devices in the U.S.: Implications of a U.S. Health Technology Assessment Agency (Issue Brief No. 53)
- One Year into the Pandemic: Where are we Now? (Issue Brief No. 52)
- Telehealth and Telemedicine in the Post-Pandemic Era (Issue Brief No. 51)
- Moving Beyond ‘Lives-Saved’ From COVID-19 (Issue Brief No. 50)
- Economic Cycles and Product Development in Life Sciences (Issue Brief No. 49)
- COVID-19: Update on Epidemiology & Costs (Issue Brief No. 46)
- The Coronavirus: How Bad is it, Really? (Issue Brief No. 45)
- Smoke, Mirrors, and Wild Geese: What Should Be the Future Directions of HEOR in the 2020s? (Issue Brief No. 40)
- The Evolving Landscape of U.S. Payer Coverage Decisions: The Role of Health Economics and Outcomes Research (Issue Brief No. 37)
- Will Changes in the Affordable Care Act Result in Organizational Changes in U.S. Medical Care? Implications for Economic Evaluation of Drugs & Devices (Issue Brief No. 36)
- Physician Shortages in the U.S.: Disentangling Myth, Folklore, and Fact (Issue Brief No. 30)
- Fad Diets and Nutrition: What’s all the Fuss about Gluten? (Issue Brief No. 28)
- The Long Reach of a Devastating Virus (Issue Brief No. 22)
- Health Care Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa (Issue Brief No. 21)
- Environmental Health Update: Ending our Love Affair with Styrofoam (Issue Brief No. 20)
- What are the Health Consequences of Psychiatric Hospital Closures? (Issue Brief No. 19)
- The Costs of Antibiotic Resistance and the Need for Antibiotic Stewardship (Issue Brief No. 18)
- E-Cigarettes and Tobacco Policy (Issue Brief No. 16)
- Nutrition Policy & Food Labeling in the U.S.: A Review & Update (Issue Brief No. 14)
- Current Topics in Public Health: Heroin’s Revival (Issue Brief No. 13)
- How Big a Problem is Health Care Fraud and Abuse, and How Can We Detect It? (Issue Brief No. 9)
- U.S. Health Care Costs: Disentangling Underlying Trends from the Effects of the Affordable Care Act (Issue Brief No. 8)
- Women and the Affordable Care Act (Issue Brief No. 7)
- Health Care Costs and Value: An International Perspective (Issue Brief No.6)
- Tobacco Butts and Litter Costs (Issue Brief No. 5)
- Using Publicly Available Health Care Databases to Value & Price Medical Care Services (Issue Brief No. 1)