AHE Presents: Symposium on Emerging Trends in U.S. Health Economic Evaluation: A Closer Look at the Role of Cost Effectiveness in U.S. Market Access, Tuesday May 9th in Morristown, NJ

AHE Presents: Symposium on Emerging Trends in U.S. Health Economic Evaluation: A Closer Look at the Role of Cost Effectiveness in U.S. Market Access, Tuesday May 9th in Morristown, NJ

AHE Presents: Symposium on Emerging Trends in U.S. Health Economic Evaluation: A Closer Look at the Role of Cost Effectiveness in U.S. Market Access, Tuesday May 9th in Morristown, NJ 150 150 Avalon Health Economics LLC

Avalon Health Economics Presents:
Symposium on Emerging Trends in U.S. Health Economic Evaluation:
A Closer Look at the Role of Cost Effectiveness in U.S. Market Access

Tuesday, May 9th at the Hyatt Regency in Morristown, NJ

The past year has been a tumultuous time for US health economics, characterized by the confluence of at least six important factors: (1) the emergence of competing value frameworks, (2) new recommendations from the Second U.S. Panel on Cost Effectiveness, (3) updated ICER guidelines, (4) new FDA guidance on the communication of evidence to payers, (5) increasing pressure on pharmaceutical pricing, (6) high levels of uncertainty on the future of ACA and its key components.  These issues will be explored by our panelists in an interactive format, with questions posed by health care reporter Jaimy Lee, Executive Editor at Medical Marketing & Media

Mark Sculpher, PhD, University of York & co-author of US Panel
Louise Russell, PhD, Rutgers University & co-author of US Panel
Dan Ollendorf, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER)
Andrew Briggs, DPhil, University of Glasgow & Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Edmund Pezalla, MD, MPH, Enlightenment BioConsulting and Payer Expert
Anna Forsythe, PharmD, MSc, MBA, PSE
John Schneider, PhD, Avalon Health Economics

Will the US Panel recommendations have impact beyond academic health economics and publishing?
Will the emerging value frameworks take a new approach to evaluate new health care technologies?
Is oncology a special case when it comes to value assessment?
What do payers want? What are their informational needs and who should be providing it?
With the update of the ICER guidelines will ICER emerge as the new standard in the US?

Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Hyatt Regency Morristown
3 Speedwell Ave.
Morristown, New Jersey, USA, 07960
12:30pm-5:00pm, followed by reception 5:00-7:00pm

For more information please contact Danielle Palumbo at Danielle.Palumbo@avalonecon.com or (862) 260-9191

$250 per ticket if purchased before May 8, 2017.
$300 per ticket if purchased same-day.
Visa, MasterCard and American Express accepted
